chaos due to more long-term digital collaboration?

Digital chaos due to digital collaboration? Provisioning provides structure

Teams as a platform for working together has become indispensable to many organizations. To prevent chaos in your Microsoft 365 environment and ensure that working together remotely is still fun for everyone, provisioning may offer a solution. 

Durability of digital cooperation

Digital transformation was already high on the policy agenda in many places. The pandemic has only accelerated this process. IT is now at the heart of business operations, as a result of mass remote working. Measures are necessary to prevent your organization losing its grip on your Microsoft 365 environment. 

Not only has the use of Microsoft Teams increased exponentially over the past year, but its role has also widened considerably. Microsoft Teams is no longer just an application to video call, chat or share a document: for more and more organizations, Teams has become the central coordinating point from which all employees get to work. Teams has therefore become a Platform.  

And that creates new challenges not only for IT, but for HR too. It is now more important than ever to digitally facilitate your employees and take the stress out of it all, by ensuring they always have access to the right collaboration environments. This is how to make remote digital cooperation both pleasant and secure. 

Minimize challenges with provisioning

How can you ensure that your staff can maintain an overview within Teams as a Platform and that your Microsoft 365 environment as a whole is still manageable for IT? And how do you guide your personnel to use the right application for the right purpose? Because, apart from Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and Yammer are also available as apps for working together. 

Without agreements and without structure, digital chaos in your company will not be the only problem. Digital cooperation becomes much less efficient and pleasant for your staff: they don’t know what to do and they can’t find their documents anymore.  

Provisioning, as part of your governance approach, can address these challenges. You can use provisioning to structure the request process for Teams, SharePoint sites and Yammer communities. At the same time, with the help of the provisioning engine, you can guide your staff to make the right choices. By answering specific questions, the engine knows what to request (SharePoint, Teams or Yammer), if a similar environment does not already exist. 

Provisioning as part of governance

Provisioning is a way to keep your Microsoft 365 environment manageable for everyone. At the same time, provisioning will enable you to formalize agreements that were made and laid down in a governance plan – preferably before the Microsoft 365 implementation.  

On the basis of this governance plan, your organization can make agreements to guarantee the proper and future-proof application of all your Office 365 services. Including how you deal with updates and the introduction of new services, as well as agreements on archiving Teams and securing data. 

Ideally, this governance plan will cover the management of all your Microsoft 365 services. In this way, all the frameworks for your Microsoft 365 environment will be set at the same time.  

Governance won’t work without adoption!

As an organization you may have a carefully thought-out governance plan and great cooperation tools but if nobody wants to work with them, ultimately they will be useless. Without adoption there can be no governance (and vice versa).  

You want your people to actually start working in your Microsoft 365 environment without being put off by complicated request procedures. Working together remotely still has to be fun, right? Therefore, you can set up the provisioning process to be as user-friendly as you want. You also need to explain why this structured way of working is being introduced: your employees will only accept such changes if they can see the benefit of them.  

Getting started

With the workplace rapidly digitizing, it is more important than ever to structure the collaboration within Microsoft 365. To support this challenge, Macaw has developed the Collaboration Request App. Using this app, which is also available as a bot, your organization can quickly and simply get started with provisioning in Microsoft 365! Wondering whether this tool might be useful for your organization? Then watch this!  

Is there no overall governance plan in place? Then watch our governance workshop first! Are you more interested to know how you can get your staff to work together using this new structured approach? Then our adoption workshop is the one for you! 

Want to get started with Provisioning?

Macaw developed the Collaboration Request App which supports an efficient provisioning process.

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