OpenAI in your business

Macaw Podcast: Applying OpenAI in your business

The possibilities of AI are endless; this is the moment to create the perfect virtual assistant for your organization. Discover in 30 minutes the impact AI has on your business and how to take the first steps.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently conducted an interview with Formula 1 icon Michael Schumacher, created a hit on Spotify, and won a photography award. And those are just the cases that make it to the news. AI already has a tremendous impact on our lives and work, and it will only increase with further development.

In this podcast, our host, Harry Boers (Digital Strategist), talks to Jack Klaassen (Director of Innovation & Technology) and Michel Heijman (Head of Technology) about OpenAI and how you can apply it to your business. In 30 minutes, our experts will guide you through this rapidly changing world and answer questions like “When will AI surpass human intelligence?” and “Can you trust your virtual AI assistant?”.

Key takeaways from this podcast

  • Discover the 3 phases of AI and their impact on your business operations.
  • How can your company get started with OpenAI and stay ahead of the competition?
  • Last but not least, how safe is this new technology?

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